domingo, 2 de agosto de 2009

5 Tips To Make Your Personal Training Business More Profitable

The Fitness Consulting Group

Here are five simple strategies that any personal trainer can adapt to their business and almost instantly increase their profits:

1. Raise Your Prices. This is the most simple, yet overlooked strategy for increasing your income. If you perform 30 sessions per week and raise your prices by just five dollars per session, you’ve increased your yearly income by $7800. Not a bad improvement considering that you didn’t have to do anything else differently. Most of your clients won’t even bat an eye at this increase and the one’s that have a problem with a small price increase will almost always be your “headache clients.” Simply move on and you’ll soon replace them (if there are any) with a new client happy to pay your fee.

2. Have a “back-end.” The lifetime value of a client is the total amount of money that a client spends with you during the duration of the time you do business together. Most trainers limit this number to the amount that each client spends on personal training sessions. Since your clients undoubtedly view you as their fitness resource so don’t make them look elsewhere when they need to purchase supplements, foam rollers, nutritional coaching or anything else that would be complimentary to your personal training services. You’re helping your clients achieve better results, ensuring that they make the right choices when making fitness-related purchases and increasing your profits as well.

3. Practice “takeaway selling.” Most personal trainers’ approach to sales is to tell the prospective client how much they (the trainers) can do for the prospect and then close by almost begging the prospect to become a client. Unfortunately, this approach de-values the trainers’ services and gives the prospect all the power. Simply turn the table on the prospect. Tell the prospect that you are only accepting a very limited number of clients and then proceed to tell the prospect what will be expected of them should they be “fortunate” enough to be accepted as a client. Explain that they will have to be a “walking billboard” for your business and they will be expected to refer people who fit the mold of the client that you want to work with. You’ll be amazed by how many prospects literally beg you to take them on as clients.

4. The power of leverage. This is probably my favorite strategy. You can leverage other trainers by hiring them to train clients for you or “farming out” some of the clients you acquire and charging a “finder’s fee.” You can leverage your time by providing only semi-private training instead of the traditional one-on-one that forces you to trade your time for one clients money. You can leverage your knowledge by creating an information product that you can sell to your client or online. You can leverage your clients by having the “back end” I previously mentioned. Remember, you don’t always have to trade your time for one client’s money.

5. Institute an automated payment system. It works in health clubs, why not in personal training? Simply set your clients up on 4 or 6 month automated payment plans that are directly drafted from their checking account or credit card. This lets prospects know that you are only interested in taking on clients that are committed (that “takeaway selling” approach again) to getting results and it prevents you from being a bill collector. You’ll also get great piece of mind knowing what your receivables base is for the next few months.

These are just five of many strategies that you can use to make your personal training business more profitable. Go back through them and think of ways that you can implement at least a couple of these strategies into your business. Remember, if you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always gotten.


Tips To Losing Weight While Keeping Your Sanity

Losing weight is the goal of many individuals worldwide however there is no simple way to drop the pounds like taking a pill or simply wishing them away. Unfortunately, losing weight takes determination and commitment to a healthy diet and exercise plan and even then it takes longer than we would like to drop those extra pounds. So, what can you do to lose weight and keep your sanity? The following five tips should help you out.

Tip #1 Lower Your Expectations
If you begin an exercise or diet plan, or both, and have heard you will lose incredible amounts of weight in no time at all and then it doesn’t happen then you feel let down and won’t have the same dedication to carry on and your diet fails miserably. However, if you are more realistic to begin with and realize that most people lose 1-2 pounds per week on a healthy exercise and diet plan then you will be better informed and can expect these types of results ahead of time rather than being disappointed.

Tip #2 Don’t Tell Everyone You are Dieting
When people first start diets they tell everyone they are dieting and their great weight loss plans. However, this can frequently work against you because people will talk and judge your weight loss progress and make you feel uncomfortable, especially if you eat something others don’t believe is part of your diet plan. This will give you a complex, so simply start your diet, inform close family and friends for support, and keep your dieting to yourself and you won’t go crazy.

Tip #3 Don’t Eliminate a Food Group
Many times when you eliminate a complete food group from your diet you feel as if you are really sacrificing too much and you will simply lose your sanity and your diet will fail. On the other hand, if you eat a well balanced diet and allow yourself little treats along the way you will lose weight and keep your sanity as well.

Tip #4 Household Support
When you start a diet you need to make sure the entire household will support you in your efforts. If you are not eating sugar yet your spouse continues to come home with cookies, ice cream, and doughnuts then you will have a hard time sticking to the diet and you won’t feel much support, either, which will drive you crazy. So, make sure your entire family is ready to support you and if they choose to eat unhealthy to do it away from the home.

Tip #5 Work Out
Losing weight takes a lot of time, which can really test your sanity. However, if you include a work out routine with your diet then you will see a much quicker weight loss, have more energy, sleep better, and simply feel better about yourself. This will help you keep your sanity and stay true to your weight loss plan.

When you follow these five tips you will be able to keep your sanity while staying on your diet and exercise plan better than if you give it a try all on your own.


5 Tips to "Dance The Weight Away"

The Latin Queen of Music

If you love Latin rhythms and want to lose weight keep reading. No longer do you have to spend your money going to the gym. By following my simple weight losing tips while listening to Merengue Latin grooves, you’ll be able to shed pounds effortlessly. Many people like to listen to music when they work out but a small percentage of people around the world know about my little Latin-dance work out strategy.

You can dance at your own pace because it doesn’t matter if you are an expert or a professional salsa dancer, you just need to follow the rhythms, listen the drums, and listen to amazing Latin beats.

Tip number #1: Make a commitment to pop in a Merengue or Salsa CD or download some Merengue or Salsa music online that will make you start dancing while breaking a sweat.

Tip number #2: Take 2-3 Merengue or Salsa dancing classes. You cav take a basic Latin dance class or intermediate to advance level class based on your experience.

This will eventually improve your Latin dancing skills and dedication and will make you look like a professional. These moves also help strengthen your abdominal muscles which can help keep fat flab off your tummy.

Tip number #3: Make a commitment to dance at least 60 minutes a day before work, after work or on your lunch break. Don’t forget; if you are a female, shake your hips. If you are a male; shake your chest. The first 30 minutes should not be interrupted, stay active and in constant motion for the full 30 minutes because this is when you start burning fat and calories.

Tip number #4: If you don’t want to take the time and money for classes, begin with the simple 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 steps starting with a right step in front and left step back and fourth while counting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. This will help you dance the weight away.

Tip number #5: Keep your stomach and back straight for better stability, as it is very important to maintain your center of gravity when changing direction. Good balance will allow you to be in the correct position to hit the next dance step.

Dancing to Latin tropical rhythms like Salsa and Meringue this summer will get you in shape in no time. By increasing your power with the following Latin grooves exercise, you can improve your overall fitness goals in less than a month.


Tips On Proper Fibromyalgia Diets

In order to treat or completely eliminate fibromyalgia, many doctors advocate adjusting your diet for levels of energy and immune system enhancement. Though you likely suffer from a number of fibromyalgia symptoms, if proper diet eliminates or eases even one o f those symptoms then isn’t it worth your time to give it a try? To help you adjust your diet and feel better, here are 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets.

The first of the 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets is to increase the variety of foods you eat and vary the amounts and combinations. What this does is help your body to get a wider range of the vitamins and minerals you need along with fatty acids that will improve overall health. To that end, you should also try to incorporate more organic foods into your diet. The chemicals used in other vegetables can reduce their nutritional value and thus cause you to lose the vitamins and minerals that are so important to your fibromyalgia diet.

Second of the 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets is to change your eating patterns. Instead of eating the standard three meals a day, consider eating less more often. Try to eat a small meal as often as every three hours. This keeps your metabolism high and your energy levels with it, and you will feel more energy.

Third in the 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets is to be aware of what you should avoid. Stay away from fast food and junk food. In addition to that, keep caffeine, sugar, and any unnecessary drugs (like alcohol) out of your system. Many of these foods and additives will cause you to have sharp rises and falls in energy and metabolic levels. What you want when you have fibromyalgia, or even just for overall health, is to have a constant feeling of well being that comes from balanced diet.

Keep your diet balanced. Of the top 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets, keeping your diet balanced is probably the most important. If you try to control the balance of complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, lean animal protein, vegetable protein, and healthy plant fats, then you will feel better and your body will get stronger. Additionally, by doing that you are simply making the other tips easier to follow.

Finally, you want to make sure you are paying attention to food intolerances and allergic reactions. Remember that if your diet is making you feel worse, it is only going to make the fibromyalgia worse right along with it. The idea of the diet is to feel better overall, so it is important to make sure you know how certain foods make your body react.

These 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets will hopefully help you to deal with your condition. By understanding each of these tips, you can go a long way in feeling better just through what you eat. So sit down and come up with your fibromyalgia diet so that you can feel better and live a more normal life.


5 Tips For More Swimming Pool Fun

Swimming is a wonderful exercise that can benefit anyone. If you’re not fortunate enough to have your own pool, you can use your local public swimming pool, or even swim in the sea if you’re reasonably close to the coast. Whatever way you do it, try to get wet often; it’s good for you and lots of fun too!

1. Keep moderation in mind when you go in the pool. Begin with short period of 10 to 20 minutes. You can increase this when you gain in stamina. And don’t try all the hardest strokes at first. Build up to it gently.

2. Use a quality filter for your pool. Trying to save here will only result in constant maintenance costs. It will also mean swimming in a pool that is always dirty.

3. Repair any tear in your swimming pool liner as soon as possible. If the tear is three inches or less it should repair easily. If it is larger you may have to replace the entire liner.

4. Don’t allow children (or adults) to run near the pool. Running and diving into a pool is asking for trouble. Accidents can easily happen on slippery surfaces, so play safe always.

5. If you find that all your pool toys, chemicals and cleaners are becoming unmanageable, find someplace to store them. A shed or pool house near the pool is ideal. However, be careful not to store chemicals that may react with each other close together. Also make sure the room is well ventilated.

Hand mitts, paddles, swim fins, and kickboards are all ways to make your swimming more fun and challenging to provide better exercise. These days you can even swim to music by using a specially designed radio that fits into a waterproof bag. So don’t just lounge around the pool all day. Use it as it is intended to be used – swim and enjoy life!


Tips For Keeping Active In The Winter

With winter coming there will be lots of cold days that simply make people want to stay inside and keep warm. However, all those days spent indoors is generally accompanied by the winter blues. Fortunately, there are a lot of things one can do to liven things up and keep themselves active in the winter even if it is a bit chilly outside. The following five tips will help you have an active winter and finally beat the winter blues.

Tip #1 Yoga or Pilates
Taking a yoga or pilates class at your local gym will help you get out and about, meet new people, and even tone up your muscles! This is great way to stay active and in shape over the winter so when summer bathing suit season arrives you will be prepared.

Tip #2 Take a Bike Ride
A bike ride is fun any time of the year and can be especially enjoyable during the winter because the cool air is refreshing. Just remember to bundle up before heading out on your winter bike ride so you do not get too cold or risk overexposure to the cold weather.

Tip #3 Go for a Walk
Going for a walk is always a great way to get yourself in motion. It doesn’t matter if it is a slow leisurely walk or a brisk one you will get benefits from walking and being active. Also, walking during the winter will help you burn some of those calories you might be eating more of.

Tip #4 Weekly Meeting with Friends
Scheduling a weekly meeting with friends whether at a coffee shop or alternating friends’ homes is really a great way to stay active in winter and have a lot of fun as well. You will find yourself looking forward to each meeting with your friends.

Tip #5 Plant a Winter Garden
If you like to be active in the garden in the spring and summer then there is no reason why you should stop just because the temperature drops. A great idea to keeping active in winter is to plant a winter garden. There are plenty of things to plant no matter what your region, just do a little research on a winter garden for your region and you can have a really active winter.


5 Steps to Successful Self-Hypnosis


In this step you need to consider what you want vs. what you don’t want and you need to be able to distinguish between the form and the essence.

Instead on focusing on what you don’t want, it’ important to focus on WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE to experience instead, because your subconscious mind says “YES” to whatever you focus upon. If you don’t want illness focus on perfect health, if you don’t want lack, focus on abundance, if you don’t want to experience stress, focus on experiencing peace, etc.

Sometimes people focus on the “form” (the physical thing instead on the “essence”
(the feeling they would like to experience). If you desire to create or attract a specific thing into your life, ask yourself what feeling do you believe this thing would give you.
By focusing on the “essence” of what you want, you expand your options.

You may find that there are many other ways to experience that desired feeling even now, and by experiencing that feeling now, you further open yourself to attract the thing you desire.

Many times we chase certain things, only to discover that they didn’t give us the feeling we expected to get by having them. And even if the thing you originally had it mind does indeed bring you the desired feeling, this process may bring you further insight into many different ways to enrich your life, to open yourself to many different opportunities that will allow you to experience even more of that desired feeling.


Once you know what you want, imagine and FEEL that you already have it. Engage as many of your senses as you can and while in a trance state (in a state of hypnosis) vividly imagine yourself as if you are already enjoying the desired state, thing, circumstances. You may also re-live your life, in your mind, imagining that you have always had this resource, quality, thing you’d like to experience.

The whole point of the “depth” of hypnosis is to allow you to put your conscious mind and the awareness of the outer world aside, long enough that you are able to fully experience your desired experience as REAL for you NOW.

It is good to remember that your subconscious mind does not distinguish between what is outside of you - what you may interpret as “real” - and what you experience only in the realm of your mind. The subconscious mind concludes that something is REAL, if it FEELS REAL to YOU … NOW.


Successful self-hypnosis is very much alike planting seeds. You decide what you would like to grow, you plant the seeds by imagining and feeling that you already have the desired outcome. You don’t have to concern yourself with how is the plant going to grow – it is endowed with intelligence to fulfill its purpose. What you do need to do is pull out the weeds if you notice any.

When you plant seeds of your outcome in your subconscious mind, your doubts, fears, anxieties, conflicting beliefs etc. are weeds you have to uproot. If you believe that it is impossible for you to reach your goal, but you just want to try it, forget about it – it’s not going to work.

If the goal seems to overwhelming, cut it down into smaller, achievable goals – goals you believe are attainable for you now. It doesn’t matter what anyone else has accomplished. The only thing that matters is what you believe is possible for you.
Other people’s accomplishments may inspire you – but whether you’d be able to accomplish the same, or less, or more, depends only on what you believe to be possible for you, and on the action you're willing to take.

Sometimes people look for “proofs” and assurance outside of themselves, asking other people for their opinions as to whether something is possible or not, yet this only tells their subconscious minds that they are still filled with doubt – they don’t really believe that they can experience the results they desire, so they usually don’t.

The best place to look for “proofs” when using your subconscious mind is in your own experiences – conducting your own experiments.

There is a way to get and create absolutely anything you may ever want to create through the power of your mind. However to overcome your own limitations you either have to have limitless faith, or even better, to do some research and gain understanding why YOU CAN be or have whatever it is you set your heart upon.

This also brings me to the POWER OF DECISION. If you have ever DECIDED to experience something and if you can recall how that feels, you may become aware that at such times your mind was fully focused on your GOAL and even though you might have been aware of possible obstacles on the road, they have not prevented you in reaching your outcome. When you truly DECIDE that you want something, you “cut yourself off” any other possibility and you COMMIT yourself to having the experience you desire.

You may be already familiar with a poem by Goethe:

Until one is committed
there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness.

Concerning all acts of initiative
there is one elementary truth
the ignorance of which kills
countless ideas and endless plans:
That the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then providence moves, too.

All sorts of things occur to help one
that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision
raising in one’s favor all manner of
unforeseen incidents and meetings and
material assistance which no man
could have dreamed would come his way.

Whatever you can do or
dream you can, begin it!
Boldness has genius, power
and magic in it.


This is probably the hardest step for most people – and it may take some practice to totally and completely trust in the wisdom and power of your mind, universe, God, your Higher Self (pick the term you prefer) to be able to bring into your experience what you asked for.

You may notice that sometimes when you think about something and then you completely forget about it, not even giving it a second thought whether it’s going to pass or not – the thing you thought about, just happens. That’s because you have spontaneously let go – by forgetting about it, your subconscious mind was able to take over and create that experience in your life.

Other times you may feel that you want or need something really badly, so badly as a matter of fact, that you can’t let it go – and as much as you want it – you are not allowing it to manifest for you.

When something is really important for you to have and you have no idea where what you need is going to come from, trusting may feel as if you were walking on a tight-rope. With practice, it does get much easier.

Practicing gratitude – expressing gratitude for what you need and/or desire as if you have already received it will help you to get your mind off the worry, and keep it focused on your goal.

I have written before about gratitude, but I’d like to repeat that gratitude will dramatically cut the time it takes to get what you desire, and it will dissolve a lot of obstacles toward getting the results you’d like to create using self-hypnosis.

You can thank your subconscious mind, your unconscious mind, God, universe – or whatever you like to refer to the power and intelligence within you and all around you that is able and knows how to bring into manifestation every one of your heart’s desires.


Sometimes what you ask for may come into your life in a slightly different form than what you envisioned. It is important to notice and acknowledge that what you asked for has in some form manifested for you.

Sometimes what you ask for may be even better than what you asked for (vividly imagined in self-hypnosis).

Sometimes what you ask for may be a far cry from what you wanted. It may be just a signal that what you asked for is on its way. Now is not the time to give up, but to keep on thanking that what you desire or even something better is on its way.

You may also want to re-examine your beliefs, doubts, worries, insecurities, feelings that you don’t quite deserve what you asked for, that it would be too good for you, or perhaps that after all, you don’t really want what you asked for.

Remember that your outer-world experiences only reflect what’s in your mind, so if you don’t like what you’re experiencing, all you need to do is change your mind about it. If you expect only the best in life, and keep on thanking your mind and the universe (God) for giving you the best, in joyful expectation of these experiences – your outer-world experiences will reflect this.

Acknowledge that everything that happens in your life is forever moving you toward the realization of your goals.


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Health And Fitness


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